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Reacting to, discussing and presenting information on Islam, immigration and the many enemies of the West.

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Interview med Douglas Murray Muslim Immigration, problems and solutions, islam and reform? Europe, our leaders, institutions and media, can and will western civilization survive? And who are 'we' in a generation?

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On Clarity Coalition Jaleh Tavakoli is an Iranian/Danish ex-Muslim dissident. Her family fled the Islamist tyranny of Iran when she was a child, and she has devoted her life ever since to opposing the threat of Islamism to free and open...

No Hijab Day! Let's talk about it! Support No Hijab Day on February 1st! We are using the hashtags #NoHijabDay and #FreeFromHijab to bring attention to the pressures behind wearing hijab. You can also include #WorldHijabDay to inform the...

Islams Offentlige Hemmeligheder: Debat med Ahmed Akkari Ahmed Akkari indrømmer, at mange muslimer ikke kender teksterne, derfor kan en ny fortolkning konstrueres.Dvs. at teksterne har et frygteligt indhold, men han opfordrer til, at vi skal sige, at der står noget andet end der...

Æresdrab og islam? – Kvinde i Holbæk har fået skåret halsen over Hvad har islam med æresdrab at gøre? Det er hvad denne video handler om. Lige nu er Danmark i chok over at en gravid afghansk kvinde har fået skåret halsen over – om der er tale om en halshugning – er ikke blevet...

Demonstration for et Frit Iran Trykkefrihedsselskabets formand Aia Fog var inviteret som taler, da Jaleh Tavakoli og Frit Iran bød til demonstration på Rådhuspladsen i København søndag 9. oktober. Talerlisten er som følger: Jaleh Tavakoli (Frit Iran og...

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