
Trump was and is going to be a good president

af | okt 13, 2024 | English

Biden, when first asked about the assasination attempt on Trump on 13th of July, said that he doesn’t know if what had happened was an attempt to kill Trump. Think about it.

The mainstream legacy media used words such as “Trump… falls” and “loud (popping) noises”. Read that again. Think about it. Click on the link and read the many other weird headlines.

What are the media doing? Why are the Media this biased, they can’t report the truth about an assassination attempt?

Woke leaders like Biden and the media are eroding our democracies in the West. And most of our European leaders are also woke to som degree. We can agree to disagree, but at this point we can’t even trust that they won’t lie about what happend. They can look us straight in the eye and lie. This is extremely dangerous for our democracies.

Calling what was likely domestic terrorism a fall or loud popping noises is not just inappropriate, it’s disrespectful to all citizens of the US and the world? And this is of course just one example of the soft totalitarianism and fascism that the woke have exposed the people of the West to. This is mostly due to the socialist but also globalist ideology.

The public is fed up with this kind of brainwashing. The orange man bad, end of democracy, Hitler – dictator –he must be defeated. And this narrative is dangerous – and we just saw how dangerous. Someone tried to kill Trump. Just a few days after the assassination attempt a woman showed up outside of the RNC to a protest political violence – blaming Donald Trump, while legitimizing and inciting terrorism, she legitimized the attempted assassination of Trump. With her she had a weapon of some sort – watch her explain herself.

The fact that people openly and pubilcly were disappointed that Trump wasn’t killed, in the West – and even in the US, is frightening. Incitement, legitimizing and supporting terrorism should of course be condemned and punished. Even one Canadian University professor from British Columbia, Dr Karen Pinder, wrote: “Damn, so close. Too bad.”

At this point we can’t pretend everything is fine – Trump has just survived an assassination attempt against him – miraculously. Not due to a great security. The security at the event was catastrophic. Some of the female bodyguards didn’t even know how to hold a gun – let alone to protect the President’s life. And how could the terrorist lurk around at least half an hour before whithout anyone interfering. Why was that roof not protected? It’s all absurd. But it’s reality.

How are we supposed to believe our authorities and the media? How do they think we keep away damaging conspiracies? The lies will only help conspiracy theories spread. And this is not good for any parties in the West with stakes in democracy. Lets tolerate different oppions- let’s have free speech – real debates – if you have have faith in your own views – you shouldn’t be scared of the truth, tell the truth, and then let’s discuss ideas, not what happened.

Please know that when it comes to violence, that should be our limits. No propaganda for terrorism should be allowed. Neither violence nor the indirect or direct threat of violence should be tolerated. Intoleracne should never be tolerated. But it is. Just look at all of the rioting style protests we’ve seen in the West – especially after October 7th.

The lies about Trump are too much to the point where we risk that no one will believe any criticism, even if he is about to nuke the entire planet. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is not helping anyone. The hysteria is making everyone numb to any criticism of him. Stop with the “the wolf is coming”.

If he really was doing something very stupid his supporters and followers wouldn’t believe the media or the oppostion. And that is truly frightening.

Biden later called the assassination attempt “not appropriate”. He said: But the idea, the idea that there is political violece, or violence in America like this, it’s just unheard of, it’s just not appropriate.”

The words used about the assassination attempt reminded me of my own court case in Denmark. In 2018 I told the Danish public about the decapition of a Danish and a Norwegian woman in Morocco – by Islamic terrorists. The mainstream legacy media in Denmark said that the women were found “dead with signs of violence” and / or “marks on their necks after a sharp object. I repeat, the women were found decapitated. But the lies about the terrorist attack were told in about 1400 articles during the first week after the attack. I was the first and only journalist (blogger) -in that week – that could report that the women in fact were found decapitated.

My crime: I shared a link to a video of the terrorist attack to prove and to make sure that the video was from this actural attack in Morocco. Danish authorities were not telling the truth either. They wouldn’t comment on the terrorist video. The Danish state then claimed that I’ve violated the privacy of the Danish woman, and that the video of the terrorist attack was private pictures of a private moment in the women’s lives – their death was a private matter. The state wants me, a journalist, to be imprisoned for sharing the video that proved that the public was lied to.

The authorities never reported to the Danish public that a Danish woman was decapitated in Morocco on holiday. The reason why some Danes know about the decapitation is me and the prosecution of me and others who shared the video.

The charge against me led to to social authorities deciding they would to take my daughter from me – because she at that time was legally a fosterchild – thankfully she is now adopted. My daughter was thankfully never removed from us.

Yeah, I know it sounds surreal – but it happened and you can read about it if you click the link above. This is surreal, just as surreal as everything that has happened to other people critisizing status quo in Western countries. Tommy Robinson from the UK is a great example of this. Especially when it comes to the criticism of migration or Islam – at least it all becomes very nasty. The conversations ends. You’re called a racist and an Islamophobe. Because borh the wokeist and Islamist movement are totalitarian.

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