
The West has been taken hostage by thugs and bullies

af | okt 13, 2024 | English

In Denmark where I live, the military has been assigned to protect the Synagogue of Copenhagen. The military. There is no hiding it, we are at war. We have an enemy among us that wants, at least some of, us dead. And no, I’m not Jewish. Yet the same Islamists want me dead.

Why are these pro-Palestinian-protesters targeting Jews alle around the world?

The Jewish minority is one of their first enemies, but don’t you think for a second that these fascists couldn’t and wouldn’t legitimize the killing of you and your family.

They can use unthinkable reasons to legitimize jihad. You could be at the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong people. You could be Muslim, they will justify whatever. If you dare speak up, or in any way stand in their way, or even argue that they are wrong, you could potentially become a direct target. This is why Danish police tells people who are threatened by Islamists to consider erasing any critical posts about Islam on their social media.

If you as a Muslim ask critical questions about Islam you’ll get into the exact same kind of trouble. Actually you might be more threatened because you are a Muslim . This alliance of wokeists, Nazis and Islamists in our cities – in the West – is a threat to democracy and to everyone’s individual rights and safety.

No matter how you look at it, we in the West have people among us who should not be here. We have enemies among us. It is an unpleasant reality that we can’t live with. And this problem will not go away. People who do not like our values ​​and who do not respect freedom and democracy will not spreading their hate, we need to stop them. And they should not be here. The immigrants and descendants of immigrants who hate the West must leave or be deported. Why is this even controversial, don’t live in a country you hate. We have to end this self-hating reality and solve this mess in the best way we can, by adopting various wise policies and laws. We could start by banning Sharia Law and hijab (in public office and schools). Close the mosques that work against our democracies. We also have to deport Islamists and terrorist sympathizers and violent criminals. Stop immigration for now, and the limit it to a strict few good candidates a year. If we need immigrants for work, we need to choose them very carefully. Hopefully Ukrainian and others within Europa can work for richer European countries.

A small minority of Thugs and bullies

How representative do we think that the pro-Palestinian protests are in the West? How representative was Black Lives Matter? Or Queers for trans-children? Of the public opinion? Luckilly, not very. Not even all of the people in their movement – who go on the streets, fully understand why they are actually there. At the top of these movements are Marxists and Islamists.

They often hate western democracies. They hate western values. Both sides of this unholy alliance are ideologically programmed to sabotage the free world. To instill fear and create chaos in the free world. This now even happends through domestic terrorism.

They have for years worked towards destroying free speech in the West, playing the card of victimhood. “I am triggered and offended”. Using terms such as Islamophobia. And now since October 7th they have been bullying, harrassing, threatening and even pysically attacking mostly Jewish people, but also other Israel supporters.

You almost never see any of them talk or chant about a two state solution. Many of the leaders in these movements are not even condemning Hamas or October 7th.. Peace with Israel is not what they want. They are not chanting for even the release of the one year old Jewish boy, Kfir Bibas, that was taken hostage by the savages in Hamas.

Ant don’t think that this is happening both online and in real life without the help and support of foreign enemies and their money, orders and content.

These psychotic, loud and rude people are bullying and threatening everyone, and this is not just sad, it’s dangerous. It needs to stop. Terrorists and thugs need to be prosecuted, not march in our streets. These people are also first and foremost the West’s own problem – and we know it.

The woke are mostly young brats with no real sense of reality or consequences. But with a lot of anger. Also, if they hate the West, they too could leave. They are free to, and they have the oppurtunity to go almost anywhere, precisely because they are westerners.

I love that Elon Musk has bought X – he has returned free speech to at least one huge platform. He thereby ended the woke supression of free speech – mainly with META penalizing mostly conservative or anti-woke voices. Youtube is also very good at censoring. 90 % of what I post is on X, I can’t post it on Youtube or META. Why? Because criticism of Islam is not allowed.

At the other hand free speech can’t include the promoting, threatening or legitimizing of terrorism. In other words – that kind of speech should not be allowed, in the sense that it should be punished. The public and the media should be able to see and hear the speech, to be able to comment on it, but it should be punishable speech for people who use it to intimidate and threaten other people.

This means that if you are using your words to intimidate others, or even to sympathize with terrorists, or you are promoting terrorism – you should be prosecuted on terrorism charges and deported if possible.

But if others are telling the public about what terror-supporters are saying, and how they are spreading propaganda, that should be allowed. In other words it’s not the words, it’s the intention behind them that makes them illegal. This is important because we have to charge and punish the right people, while at the same time understanding and discussing their ideas and incitement in public.

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