
October 7th was literalist Islam, which unfortunately is mainstream

af | okt 13, 2024 | English

Islam as religion is genocidal. What we thought was an Israel-problem, was always an Islam-problem. There is no peace with this religion of “peace”, as long as mainstream Islam is LITERALIST and evil. As long as it is dominanted by Islamists and jihadists. Across both sunni, shia and other differences. Refom Islam that is not literalist – is an absolute minority.

Muslims and Islam are fortunately not the same. Luckily (alhamdullilah) -if most Muslims where Islamists we would have many more problems with this religion. And we do have many problems with this religion. Globally. And no it’s not racism to criticize Islam. It’s not Islamophobic. It’s logical to criticize evil. This is why Americans and Europeans should accept the fact that we have enemies among us. This is not an Israel-problem, and we need to act accordingly.

On October 7th 2023 Hamas terrorists did to the Jews what a literalist, and unfortunately mainstream, reading of Islamic theology describes. If you read the so-called valid (sahih hadith) prophetic account about the Last Hour, judgment day (from Sahih Muslim 2922), whose content most denominations in both Sunni and Shia view as valid, it is very clear that killing all Jews is what needs to happen before Judgement day.

This is a direct quote from this Hadith: “The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them…” 

Both Hezbollah’s leader Nasrallah (prominent Shia-Muslim leader) and the former spiritual leader for the Muslim Brotherhood Al-Qaradawi (prominent Sunni-Muslim leader), which Hamas is a fraction of – have stated that it is a good thing that Israel exists, so that it is easier to kill Jews.

More specific:

Nasrallah has said: “If all the Jews gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of chasing them down around the world.”

Al Qaradawi: The spiritual leader of Muslim Brotherhood, according to the US 2010 ’Human Rights Report: Qatar’: ”In a January 2009 sermon on al-Jazeera, Sheikh Yusuf al- Qaradawi called for killing Jews ‘down to the very last one.’”

In recent years and before October 7th we’ve seen many jihadist attacks against Jewish minorities in the West. Why the Jews? When will the wokeists rallying for a free Palestine realize that mainstream Islam incites the killing of Jews. An agenda these wokeists have seen again and again in the protest. The prophetic account about the last day describes that even stones and trees will help Muslims find Jews to kill.

When people do not understand the fascist bloodthirst of these Islamists, it makes me think about the poem written by Martin Niemöller an outspoken critic of the Nazis and a pastor who survived Nazi prisons and concentration camps:
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

When will white, naive pro-Palestinians realize that Islamists hate Jews and brainwash Muslims to hate the Jews, from an early age. They legitimize and encourage jihadists to carry weapons and to kill Jews. Sometimes they look at Muslim newborn babies and say they hope for the baby to become a martyr. Many are being taught this hate and violence in schools, in mosques and at home. Hating Israel is an excuse for Jew-hatred. Hatred of Jews unfortunately acts as a rallying point for the mobilization and radicalization of Muslims by Islamists of all kind. The dream and the end goal is to achieve global power – a caliphate with barbaric sharia-law.

The prophetic accounts (ahadith) are among the basic theological sources in Islam, and the Qur’an, the so called words of God, can’t be read withoud these ahadith and the Sira (biographies of the Prophet).

The Quran was not written and cannot be read chronologically, and this means that some of its content is just not valid in a theological sense. This means even though you have parts of the book that do not want the Jews dead – this hadith trumps those parts.

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