
No Hijab Day!

af | okt 13, 2024 | English, Video

Let’s talk about it!

Support No Hijab Day on February 1st! We are using the hashtags #NoHijabDay and #FreeFromHijab to bring attention to the pressures behind wearing hijab. You can also include #WorldHijabDay to inform the supporters of oppression of women and the islamists. And of course you are free to add #ExMuslim#Letsustalk#WhiteWednesday#MyStealtyFreedom We will talk about the background and importance of No Hijab Day. Why it’s every year on February 1st and why everyone should support it? Let’s us celebrate together and go through the contributions of #NoHijabDay and #FreeFromHijab campaign social media platforms. On that day, we asks women to share pictures of them with, and without, hijab together with their personal stories, the reasons for their decisions and the price that they had to pay to put what they want on their own bodies. «“As a person who had her childhood snatched away by the hijab at age 9 and was threatened with death for removing it, I intimately understand the enormous pressure on women to wear the hijab”, says Yasmine Mohammed. “Most women can’t speak up or they will suffer dire repercussions, but we can fight for them”. The first time Niloufar Momeni took her hijab off she was in France, on a trip with her family. She describes how amazing the wind going through her hair was, how for the first time she could style her hair, and how free and happy she felt. Far Avaz did it for the first time while visiting Turkey. She, however, felt fear instead of happiness. She remembers looking around for policemen who might imprison her for removing the head covering; she felt persecuted as if she was still in her homeland. Both women come from Iran, which forces women to wear hijab whenever they’re outside of their homes. Other countries such as Afghanistan do the same. Still, most Muslim countries’ governments do not oblige women to don the hijab, but in many of these places, conservative families impose it on their post-puberty females.» You are all welcome! Let’s make some noise!!!! 📣 Thanks Jaleh Tavakoli & Cemal Knudsen Yucel

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