
Islamic blasphemy laws in the West: In Denmark the state now views the Quran as holy

af | okt 13, 2024 | English

Islamists rule with threats of and actual violence. We are at war, and we don’t even know it. Or maybe we do know it, but don’t know what to do?

The Danish parliament passed a law banning the burning – and the desecration- of the Quran. And other “holy” books. What happened to secularism and to free speech?

In Iran and many other Muslim countries people have been executed or lynched for burning the Quran. But Denmark now accepts this intolerant Islamic ban on Danish free speech. Not even sugar coating it the government told the public that this ban was to protect us from Islamic terrorists. It’s appeasement, it’s capitulation.

This comes years after the Iranian fatwa against Salman Rushdie and the attempted assassination in New York in 2022. And it comes years after the Danish Mohammad-cartoon-crisis. The attack against Rushdie in 2022 might even have been planned by IRGC (Iranian ideological military). According to Vice World News the terrorist had been in contact with members of the IRGC.

But in Denmark the Danish government has now introduced an Islamic blasphemy law – to be respectful of Islamists threatening us. How is this our reality in the free world? The fear based politics – accepting Sharia-law-demands reminds me of the Danish government accepting Nazi-Germany’s occupation of Denmark in 1940.

Islamic blasphemy laws have killed thousands of Iranians and others. The same laws have killed many in the West. Samuel Paty, a school teacher in Paris. The French cartoonists in Charlie Hebdo. Even a Danish man was even killed in Denmark because of the same Islamic blasphemy law.

Dear Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and dear minister of Foreign Affairs Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Finn Nørgaard- a Danish filmmaker was killed in Copenhagen in February 2015, at a meeting with Lars Vilks the Swedish Muhammad-cartoonist. I was at that meeting, and I held the opening speech that day. Minutes after I was running for my life. Finn Nørgaard did not run, he tried to stop the terrorist and was killed. Finn Nørgaard’s life was taken as a result of Islamic intolerance, terrorism and blasphemy laws. Shame on the both of you for implementing an Islamic blasphemy law in Denmark.

This is fear-based politics. It is weak. It is appeasement. It is capitulation.

All Muslims are of course not followers of this Islamic death cult ideology that is also mainstream literalist theology, this is important to understand and remember. The biggest victim of the ideology are the Muslims.

But it is also worth mentioning that Muslims of the world have the key to change. They need to either to reform or modernize Islam, or to leave thisreligion. But that is going to be a process. Think about it, if we in the West are too scared to confront the violence in Islam, because we fear terrorism, understand that modern Muslims feel the same. While living in Muslim countries? Many Muslims have historically been killed for wanting to change Islam. The Muslim reformers today, in the West, are constantly threatened – and the two imams I work with in Clarity Coalition are among the most threatened individuals in Clarity Coalition.

Muslim reformers are viewed as infidels – as non believers – by the Islamists. And they are then met with same intolerance and violence as the people who offend the prophet of Islam or who desecrate the Quran. Any criticism, even Muslim’s questioning the Quran could potentially lead to death-fatwas.

Islamists are constantly fighting each other in both political and theological conflicts. The conflicts between Islamists are never ending, and some of them allegedly go back to the time just after the death of Islam’s prophet.

The intolerance of other ideas and / or any criticism on top of the integrated political element of power within mainstream Islam – fuels the never ending conflicts and wars. Islam is intolerance and oppression on every level of life and society.

Islamic laws establish a hierarchical and an authoritarian system, where fear, intolerance and harsh consequences constitute the order of society- and family. Even questioning mainstream ideas or thoughts – outside of religious issues -then becomes dangerous and unacceptable. Such an environment does not lead to a flourishing society, and even restricts the development and potential of individuals within those societies.

The Islamists kind of remind me of the woke. The only difference is that the woke are not as violent –they are softer on their opponents – even though they often refrain from condemning violence and even terrorism against their opponents. With the virtue signaling, polite and anxious culture – that defines the wokeists –criticism is not tolerated, and they are ready to shame, cancel and ruin your life. The globalists are also a part of the woke movement. Often with non-violent means. The unholy alliance -of the hard Islamist totalitarianism and the softer woke totalitarianism- is what is ruining the West.

To compare the Islamic culture of fear – to other cultures outside of the Islamic world, many Asian cultures have some similarities, including authoritarianism and intolerance – mistaking fear for respect. For example a so-called theory of Korean cockpit culture has been discussed as an explanation to plane crashes. South Korean co-pilots as a result of a more hierarchical culture – honoring seniority, had trouble correcting or criticizing the pilot in charge.

This kind of anxious politeness due to fear does not help anyone in any situation – in open, free and constructive societies. Not in the family unit nor in society. Not as a co-pilot helping fly a plane, nor in dealing with western politics.

Christians and Jews do not always appreciate criticism of their religion or culture, but they often wouldn’t threaten anybody. Discussions, theological discussions, are part of those religions and societies. Most importantly no religious leaders within those religions would issue a killing decree against the people criticizing. Islamic leaders do.

Islamists just won’t allow any criticism. Any questions. Their faith is too fragile. It’s almost as if they believe that Islam only can’t survive if it’s not questioned, and maybe that is exactly true. Because literalist Islam would not survive an open and critical debate. In fact you couldn’t make up a worse set of ideas if you tried, how has this ideology survived for all these years? The answer is blood and fear. Just look at Iran where around 80 percent are against this terrorist jihadist regime – and also then look at Denmark where I currently live. Islamists are ruling through fear and blood in both countries.

Islamists rule with threats of and actual violence.

And remember that the act of burning the Quran is not in of itself a problem for Islamists, this is their own way of getting rid of old copies of the Quran. It’s the element of criticism they can’t handle.

Today more than ever, the world needs to stand up to the Islamist threat – and tyranny. No more. Enough. You don’t get to terrorize us anymore. You don’t get to take or ruin our freedoms, our rights and our democracies. Our safety and security. Generations after generations have built free and civilized societies and– democracies, in the West. Protecting our freedoms and rights should be the priority of our politicians – but their woke and / or globalist endeavours are ruining us.

The people of the West are also a lot of times are taking our freedoms for granted. We’ve had it too good for far too long. The fact that we have enemies is a shock. But we have to understand that we have enemies and that we are at war. In Copenhagen the military has been put in place to guard and to protect the Synagogue. The military. What does that tell you? We are at war.

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