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Jaleh Tavakoli is an Iranian-Danish author and activist

She has a Master’s degree in social sciences. Tavakoli was born in Teheran in 1982, under the Islamic regime, and came to Denmark at the age of nine, she is a child of a political refugee. In Denmark she has founded a network called Free Iran, which she is a spokesperson of. She is also a member of the organizations Free Press Society and Free Debate – in Denmark – as well as the anti-Islamist international coalition, Clarity Coalition. Tavakoli believes that the West is under attack from our different enemies while also experiencing an identity crisis and a civilizational conflict, due to the unholy alliance of Islamists and wokeists.
My Approach

Contact me if you would like for a group of people to be introduced to or to debate any of the topics I write or talk about.

If you want to stay in touch with me and my work, please do send me an email.

Do you have a tip about a story you think I might be interested in? Contact me. (But please understand that I might not be able to use it.)

From the Blog
October 7th was literalist Islam, which unfortunately is mainstream
Islam as religion is genocidal. What we thought was an Israel-problem, was always an Islam-problem. There is no peace with this religion of “peace”, as long as mainstream Islam is LITERALIST and evil. As long as it is dominanted by Islamists and jihadists. Across both...
Yasmine Mohammad’s Podcast on Israel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0JofYTHHZ8&t=3755s Jaleh Tavakoli and I went to Israel for a week as part of a delegation of people from across the Middle East invited to join a group called Sharaka. Sharaka means "partnership" in Arabic and the NGO is a...
I got suspended jail time for sharing a link to a video of a terrorist attack
In the first week after the beheading of a Danish woman, I was the only journalist who wrote about the beheading of this young woman on holiday in Morocco. As a reward for exposing the truth I now have a suspended jail sentence. My lawyer and I are going to apply for...
New Lawsuit: I’m being sued for defamation by Isam Bachiri, the former lead singer of Outlandish.
In response to Bachiri legitimizing Hamas and calling Danes complicit in genocide, and the Prime Minister of Denmark the PM of the blood bath, because of support for Israel, I wrote on X: "You support terrorism, you are a terrorist." In addition to legitimizing Hamas...
The three I’s the West needs to focus on: Israel, Islam and Iran
What Israel (including the rest of the West) should have learned by now is that avoiding criticism of islam, and refraining from fighting the theology and ideology of our enemies, is not a sustainable approach. I have spoken to leaders and experts both in Israel and...
Trump was and is going to be a good president
Biden, when first asked about the assasination attempt on Trump on 13th of July, said that he doesn't know if what had happened was an attempt to kill Trump. Think about it. The mainstream legacy media used words such as “Trump… falls” and “loud (popping) noises”....